What A Year 2024 Turned Out To Be!

We welcomed and cared for 2,270 guests, with 3,911 nights of occupancy in our portfolio this year - more guests for more nights than ever before.  While we saw our typical slow-down of bookings during the low season,  we enjoyed the break to handle some exciting and major upgrades at many of our properties.  Based on average spending data from the USVI Bureau of Economic Research, this means - not including the cost of accommodations and hotel taxes collected - our guests enabled our company to bring an estimated $1.24 million into the local economy.   We want to thank all of you who stayed with us in 2024 for making a difference to the small business owners here on island.  

2025 is already shaping up to be busy, with an astonishing level of occupancy right out of the gate.  More people on island means more real estate buyers … 

So what about real estate?  How did the market hold up in 2024?  Well, not to sound like a broken record to those of you who have read this blog for years, but the market remains stable.  I review and analyze the data in a couple of ways, but if taking an honest look, the median sold price is the one that really matters to me.  The median sales price allows us to consider the true middle of the market without any giant home sales or sales of shacks or “plywood palaces” (as I like to call them) that sway the data.  Average price is still interesting and valuable data, but I cannot depend on the average to determine true, long-term appreciation.  


In 2024, the median price of a home on St. John rose 15% from the previous year to $1.5 million. This increase is pretty significant, and also put us at the highest median price on record for a home on St. John.  Going back to 2002, and including some of the slower or even down years, the total median price increase is still 173% or a 7.5% increase per year.   While this outpaces the national average and can not always be expected, This growth backs up my mantra about the stability of the St. John Real Estate Market - it is simply on a steady and healthy incline.  


The average home price increased as well last year to $1,969,342, the highest price in St. John’s history.   It surely invokes that old cliche that applies to planting trees and buying real estate:

If you bought the median priced home on St. John five years ago, your value would be up 102%!  I’m not suggesting this is a realistic expectation for every real estate transaction … but I am suggesting you should expect that if you buy a home on St. John today, that the value is dependably going to grow over time, which makes this on the safer end of the spectrum of investing.  


Giving Back

We would like to wrap up this summary of 2024 by thanking some of the non-profits that are making a big difference on island, and are really the backbone of this community.  We would also like to thank all of you who donate to our local charities.  We can’t do it without you, so THANK YOU!!!  Together, let’s continue to support, preserve, and protect this island, its culture, its people, its beauty, and its uniqueness with humility and grace. 


If You Live on St. John, Where Do You Vacation?

This summer, my family and I were fortunate to get a chance to travel.  Many of our guests seem surprised when we tell them we are going “on vacation.”  I mean, where do you travel when you live on St. John?  For us, exploring the world has always been a part of our lives, whether jumping around hostels while backpacking Europe, casitas on the beach in Central America, old hotels in ancient cities in Thailand, or island hopping the Caribbean, our wanderlust is one of the reasons we came to and ended up staying on St. John.  

This summer, we went to Switzerland, Germany, and a small island in Greece.  While the main purpose of our adventure was exploring these new places, we also had a professional one, in learning and researching how some of the most premium destinations in the world can help us further improve the quality of the travel experiences we provide.  We are always striving to see how St. John compares as a globally significant destination.

Switzerland offered us an unparalleled mountain adventure with impossibly vast vistas and cow bell ringing, wildflower-laden hikes under glacial peaks through verdant valleys.  The area in Germany where we traveled had a culturally rich, culinary diverse modern city life.  But for the purposes of this article, it’s the tiny Greek island of Paros that brought the most relevant comparison.

Paros is about three times the size of St. John in land size, and a little busier, but equally remote.  There is an airport, but most guests arrive by ferry or private boat.  It is simply idyllic of what you expect from a Greek island - little white masonry buildings with narrow maze-like streets under azure skies with bustling street cafes filled with beautiful people speaking every language but English.  There are dozens of beaches dotting the coastline - some with beach clubs or restaurants - all with clear, calm blue water.  Essentially, Paros is a St. John of the Mediterranean. 

So how does it compare and what did we learn?  When it comes to the beach, it’s just not possible to find better beaches in the world than those on St. John.  We’ve travelled to Hawaii, Belize, Costa Rica, Greece, Thailand, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, and all throughout the Caribbean … and we haven’t found any beaches that compare to those on our little island.  While some of the beaches in other countries are undoubtedly beautiful, the combination of all of the right elements on our beaches cannot be found anywhere else in the world - soft white sand, calm clear water, lack of over-crowding, no vendors, undeveloped natural landscapes, easy access …

As we sat poolside on the last day of our trip, we reflected upon what we learned.  What is the value of travel?  How can we make it better?  What should we expect as travelers?  Our daughter’s answer to this was compelling – we travel to get out of our comfort zone to see the world differently.  To gain experience we would not otherwise get from our typical daily lives.  To disrupt the every-day routine of doing dishes and laundry. 

We also learned that we needed to adjust our expectations and our comfort zone in order to fully appreciate our experience.  Was the Wi-Fi slower?  Was the shower smaller and more difficult to use?  Was the air conditioning not as cold?  Was the food different? Was it less convenient to do laundry? Was it hard to understand the language?  Did we know how to drive?  Did we feel safe?  Did we understand if we were making the right decisions?  Were there bugs? Did we order the wrong food or drinks?  We experienced all of these at one point or another during our trip – and these challenges and mistakes affected us, for sure!  But ultimately, it helped us better understand and appreciate different cultures and places- at least a little. It made us experience things that made us better world citizens. It made us appreciate what we have and what others don’t.  It helped us learn to be better hosts and better guests. 

So what does that mean when planning a trip to St. John?  Should you expect it to be exactly like it is in the states?  Not at all. Yet it’s amazing that you can fly from the East Coast in just four hours and get somewhere so vastly different than where your trip originated.  When traveling to St. John, you don’t have to get a passport, spend long hours on a flight, learn basic parts of another language, or exchange your money.   But, you can gain that little step outside of your comfort zone with a bit more ease than broader global travel with a huge perk of easy access to simply several of the best beaches in the world. 

As we ramp up for a busy season, we want to welcome all of you World Travelers, and those just looking to dip a toe into the tranquil blue water.  Traveling to St. John is just a toe-dip into the world of possibilities of travel …  but the water is perfect here, so come on in!  

To further inspire you, we are offering 15% off any stay before the holidays at most of our stunning villas.  *Offer limited to stays of 7 nights or more.  Stays over Thanksgiving week not eligible.


10 things you need to know about buying Real Estate in the Virgin Islands

There are currently some amazing properties for sale on St. John.  If you’ve been dreaming of owning a home on the island but wondered what that looks like, here is a quick summary of some key points you should know about investing in Real Estate in the US Virgin Islands.

1.     St. John is a United States Territory

The US Virgin Islands are a territory of the United States of America.  Individuals born in the territory are US Citizens, and those who move here from the states retain their US Citizenship status.  The laws and rights pertaining to real estate and property ownership are identical to the Continental US. 

These protections should give buyers a tremendous amount of comfort when comparing to similar destinations, where your rights are NOT the same, for example, the British Virgin Islands.  

2.     Lending is Available

Because we are a US territory, the lending practices are very similar to those in the states.  Conventional federally backed mortgages (i.e., Fannie/Freddie, FDA, VA loans) and first-time home buyer benefits, for example, are all available to qualified buyers.  Similarly, rates are paralleled with the prime rate set by the Federal Reserve.  If you are considering a purchase of property in the US Virgin Islands, it’s a great idea to contact a mortgage broker in advance who specializes in USVI loans for to explore your pre-qualifications.  The following are a few of the lenders who process mortgage loans in the USVI:

 www.firstlibertyvi.com     www.mcbvi.com   www.leewardislandmortgage.com

3.     The Virgin Islands National Park –  

This stunning National Park covering approximately 70% of the island is a lesser-known part of the US National Park Service.  Along with parks like Yellowstone, Acadia, and the Grand Canyon, the VINP is forever protected by the Government, keeping its stunning beaches, pristine tropical forests, and notably the underwater reefs from being developed.  The Park creates a vibe on island that is unseen at almost any other tropical destination, with no hotels or development on most of the beaches, and an unusual and incredible benefit of absolutely no soliciting on the beach –
The VINP prohibits selling trinkets or anything for that matter while you relax with your family.  The Park’s presence has a profound effect on Real Estate on the island; it keeps demand high by limiting the supply, and preserving a lot of what people love about the St. John.  Because of this, the market on the island has tremendous stability and is not subject to the big swings in values experienced by other markets. 

4.     Income Producing

Nearly all homes and condos on St. John have a high probability to be income producing.  Much like the high demand for Real Estate, there is a substantially higher demand for rentals.  Short- and long-term rentals generate very real income, with most homes in the average price point on island having the potential of grossing hundreds of thousands in annual income.  You can see how the rentals we manage perform by checking rates and availability.  

5.     Square Footage is Somewhat Irrelevant

On St. John, outdoor living is a way of life.  Because of this, many homes are smaller than what you might expect on the mainland. However, with so much outdoor space, ultimately, interior square footage has little impact on value.  Additionally, a 3,500 square foot home can be far less valuable than 1,500 square foot property because the smaller home offers a better layout and living space not taken into consideration in the square footage.  Simply, we recommend that you give less focus to that metric when considering a home. 

6.     Location, Location, Location (Nah) à  View, Construction Quality, Access  

The famous real estate saying, “Location, Location, Location” does not apply here.  On St. John, the entire island is an amazing location, and the driving factors are the views, construction quality, and ease of access.  The view from a property is the number one driving force behind its value.  Simple homes with amazing views can garner a higher price than a fine home with limited views.  Construction type and quality are the next important factor.  Masonry homes tend to price higher than wood frame construction.  There are many expertly built and designed homes on island, but the details of the quality of the construction also have a significant impact.  It is important to purchase a strongly built home on an island for the long-term protection of your asset.  It should be noted that some wood homes are very sturdy and should NOT be ruled out, such as Cliffhanger, which has proven itself over and over.  The final important factor is access to the property.  The roads can be a bit challenging on island, and the ability to get to a home, be it on a dirt road or direct access, can greatly affect value.  Always consider this when assessing properties. 

7.     Contracts, Inspections, Stamp Taxes, Negotiations

Buyers will find comfort and familiarity with the buying process.  Our contracts look very similar to the ones you may see in the States.  They are easy to understand and can be signed electronically.  Our contracts include familiar provisions and protections such as inspection contingencies, and we can easily add additional contingencies that a buyer requests.  The differences in the process include escrow deposits, time frames, and a stamp tax.  Escrow deposits are typically 6 to 10% of the purchase price and due within 10 days of going under contract.  They are, of course, fully refundable by the terms of the contract.  Stamp taxes are a government collection on closings. They range from 2 to 3.5% depending on the value of the sale and are typically negotiated items, with the payment of the tax split equally between buyer and seller as the most common scenario.  Negotiations are also similar to typical practice in the states; a buyer will make an offer, and the seller may choose to counter-offer or accept, and vice versa until a deal has been achieved.  Again, this can all happen remotely and electronically with ease.  

8.     Attorneys

Attorneys close all deals and handle all aspects of the arrangement of title work in the US Virgin Islands.  You will need to hire a USVI based attorney to assist once you have identified and contracted a property.  They will prepare and file the deed, prepare closing statements, assist with formation of LLC’s or advise on taking title, and other relevant actions required to close.  In the grand scheme of transactions, this is a fairly minor expense and will provide buyers and sellers with the comfort that the transaction is fully legal and properly handled.  

9.     Surveys

To obtain title insurance, an “As Built Survey” must be conducted.  This document shows where the improvements are located on the lot, and identifies any title concerns, such as encroachments, set back violations, or other issue affecting the boundary of a property.  This is another expense that is worth every penny to ensure that your investment is protected and safe.  

10. EDC - MAJOR Tax Breaks and Business Ownership
The Economic Development Commission (EDC) is a US Government sanctioned program that seems too good to be true, but it’s not!  The EDC offers a unique and attractive tax incentive program for companies located in the USVI. One of the eligibility requirements is that you must own a home here, which is why this is so relevant to Real Estate.  Below are some of the benefits your business can reap if eligible for the EDC program:

·         90% reduction in corporate income tax

·         90% reduction in personal income tax

·         100% exemption on gross receipt tax

·         100% exemption on business property tax

·         100% exemption on excise tax payments

All told, there is so much more we could say on each of these subjects, but this gives a great start to some of the questions people have about buying, selling, and owning Real Estate on St. John.  We are more than happy to discuss this with you in greater detail, so contact us anytime to talk or set up some showings to start shopping for Real Estate here on island. 





2023 St. John Real Estate Wrap Up

As St. John celebrated Old Year’s Night as it is called here in the Virgin Islands, we took some time after the festivities to run the year-end numbers.  I always like to wait until the very end to make sure we capture any of the last-minute closings.  We have a house under contract scheduled to close tomorrow as we speak, but that data will have to wait until next year.  

Sales remained strong overall in 2023 with almost $120 million in total volume market-wide on St. John!  The average home price bolstered a 13% jump from the previous year, and the marketplace of actively listed homes is following that trend.

Land sales dipped, not only in total sales, but also in average price, which was down 19%. While the decline in land sales and uptick in home values are likely a reflection of the higher costs of construction, new home builds are very busy island-wide with some stunners expected to complete in 2024. 

Cliffhanger - 3 Bed 4 Bath - $1,699,000

Secret Seashell - 3 Bed 3.5 Bath - $2,100,000

As I processed all the numbers, the data point that seems most significant to discuss is the stability of the marketplace.  Looking back 21 years (the complete history of the digital MLS on island), we have certainly seen a few dips and climbs, but ultimately the market is dependably stable. When I look at median sales prices, rather than average, to get the truest feel of value trends, the median home price increased 58% over the last 21 years. An average 2.75% year over year.  What gives me confidence in the market is that this is not too high and not too low.  It slightly outpaces the national average of 2%.  I use this number to forecast appreciation and see what you could expect 10 or 20 years into the future. 

At 2.75% annual non-compounding growth, if you purchased the average-priced home on St John in 2023 for $1.7 million, you could reasonably expect it to be worth $2.17 million in 10 years. 

When I run that home through a proforma including conservative vacation rental income and all expenses of owning a home you are looking at a capital gain of $830,000 or a 62% return on your investment.  A 6.2% annual return on your cash is pretty hard to beat when you take into account that you would also be able to enjoy 8-10 weeks a year at your new Caribbean home. 

Want to talk about it deeper?  Give us a call at 340-626-8229 or schedule a virtual or in person showing of your favorite listings.


Give Thanks and Give the Gift of Unforgettable Memories

As the holiday season approaches, we reflect on the past year and count our blessings. This year, instead of giving traditional gifts, why not give the gift of lifelong memories made in paradise surrounded by loved ones? Imagine surprising your friends or family with a week-long stay at one of our luxurious Caribbean villas on the breathtaking island of St. John. Let's give thanks for a great year and create unforgettable memories that will echo in hearts forever.

Experience the Magic of Our Unique St. John Villas

Our collection of 15 stunning, luxurious villas offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in a tropical paradise like no other. Imagine waking up to picturesque ocean views and sounds, surrounded by white sandy beaches protected by national parks, and enjoying the warm embrace of the Caribbean sun while hiding from the chill back home. Our villas provide the perfect setting for changing up your holiday scenery, relaxing with loved ones, and rejuvenating before heading into 2024!

Giving Thanks with 20% Off Villa Rentals

To add to the magic of giving back this season, we are thrilled to offer this special "Give Thanks" promotion. Get an unbelievable 20% off on your week-long stay at any one of our vast variety of villas this years winter season. Limited weeks are available in our winter calendar, and with high demand, our villas are filling fast. Do not miss out on this incredible opportunity to embark on an unforgettable tropical getaway and give thanks for an amazing year!

Your Perfect Pre-Holiday Getaway

There is no better way to prepare yourself for the hectic holiday season than with a relaxing and intimate Virgin Islands vacation. Our villas on St. John offer the perfect setting for spending quality time with friends and family, taking part in exciting activities, or simply relaxing by your private pool, all the while indulging in local cuisine, and taking in stunning views of the Caribbean blue waters.

Savings of up to $4,500 a Week

This special promotion provides you with the opportunity to create extraordinary memories and save tremendous amounts this spending season. With our incredible 20% discount, you could save up to $4,500 on your villa rental for the week. Imagine what you could do with those savings – make this trip the best one yet, that no one will forget – treat you and your guests to a luxurious boat charter, a private 5-star chef, or take an evening sail overlooking the breathtaking sunset.

Use Code: ‘givethanks’ for 20% OFF 7 nights or more at ALL villas exclusively offered through Unique Island Assets

With our limited-time offer of 20% off, there's never been a better time to secure your week-long stay and give thanks for cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Book now and embark on a journey in one of the most beautiful places on earth, a journey that reminds you to embrace the beauty of life, love, and the joy of sharing unforgettable moments with people we care about. Don't miss out, as the opportunity to experience the Caribbean at a price this discounted is slipping away fast. Use code "givethanks" to get your 20% discount on any 7 night minimum stay still available on the winter 2023 calendar!



Hurry! Limited Time to Book Our Newest Villa Rental at a Discounted Price!

We are thrilled to announce Altamira, the latest addition to our portfolio of luxury vacation rentals on the stunning island of St. John, U.S.V.I

Now Offering a 10% discount for reservations placed in the next 2 weeks for stays through Winter 2024. Use Code: ‘newview’

Prepare to be captivated by this extraordinary property, where every detail has been carefully curated to provide an unrivaled experience of magnificence and tranquility.

Nestled amidst the lush tropical landscape, this villa offers breathtaking views of the crystal-clear Caribbean waters below. Immerse yourself in the island's natural beauty as you unwind on the expansive pool deck or take in the panoramic vistas from the many terraces adorned with comfortable loungers and cozy seating areas.

Stepping inside, you will be greeted by a newly remodeled and stylishly furnished interior that exudes elegance and sophistication. The villa boasts a spacious living area with four air-conditioned and meticulously designed king bedrooms with their own en-suite bathrooms and all the amenities to enhance your stay.

The fully equipped kitchen with gas stove, stainless appliances and an oversized beverage refrigerator make entertaining easy. The great room also offers a smart frame TV with Dish network. A gas grill on the back tiled patio adds to the cooking options. Parking for multiple cars in the driveway plus an easy 5 minutes drive from Cruz Bay add to the appeal of this home. A short walk from the house to the rugged and stunning Monte Bay beach is a must for beachcombing or launching a kayak for a snorkel adventure. 

As our esteemed guests, we strive to ensure your comfort and satisfaction throughout your stay. Our dedicated concierge team will be at your service, ready to assist with arranging transportation, booking excursions to explore the island, or offering recommendations for dining experiences and hidden gems.

St. John is renowned for its world-class, white-sand beaches and hiking trails, so don’t miss out on our current available dates, and immerse yourself in all the snorkeling adventures, sunset sailboat cruises, hiking trails, and relaxation it has to offer. Escape to paradise and create memories that will last a lifetime. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our exceptional villas and ensuring an unforgettable experience on our picturesque little island.


Plan the Tropical Thanksgiving You Will Never Forget

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with friends and family and take a little well deserved down time to reconnect. Sometimes it’s all about tradition like always going to Grandma’s house for the same pumpkin pie year after year. However sometimes traditions need a little revamping, a little spice to make them even more memorable. How about reconnecting over turkey dinner and grandmas pumpkin pie with palm trees swaying outside and the warm Caribbean sunshine on your back. 

After over two decades of welcoming guests to St John, we have witnessed over and over the elevated connection that families and friends have when staying at our villas. Once you leave the hustle bustle of the frigid North behind, the relaxed pace and quiet natural beauty of St John creates a magic that bonds you together and creates lifelong memories. 

Our typical Thanksgiving on island consists of heading to the beach for a quick morning swim or snorkel and then come back to cook and gather with our family and friends for a feast under the tropical sunset. If you don’t want to cook this year, our full concierge service can help you book one of the multitude of private chef offerings for Thanksgiving meals. These range from formal dining with a server, pre-prepared drop off service or just simply having the house provisioned with what you need.  Most of our amazing restaurants also offer special menus for Thanksgiving Day. 


This holiday season, trade the hustle bustle for palm trees and sandy beaches and join us on island for an unforgettable Tropical Thanksgiving Getaway that you'll cherish forever. 


Our exclusive villas offer the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and tranquility, providing the ideal backdrop for you and your loved ones.  Whether you prefer a cozy hilltop house with massive views an oceanfront retreat or a spacious villa with a private pool, we have a wide selection of vacation rentals still available to book this holiday season on our website. Discover your dream villa today!


Let us be your ultimate holiday host and we'll ensure every detail of your Holiday is taken care of!


Explore the Newest Villa Rentals on St John!!

We have been doing some very exciting work down on St. John, in the US Virgin Islands, expanding our portfolio of amazing vacation rentals and we have a couple you must check out!

Introducing the stunning DRIFTWOOD VILLA - Besides its luxury finishes, this brand new (finished in 2023!) St. John Villa is located in the prestigious Ditleff Point community. A gated luxury neighborhood with one of our favorite secret beaches, boasting some of the best snorkeling on St. John just a short walk down from the villa.

With dual bay views, a huge, heated vanishing-edge pool, three equal king master bedrooms and an awesome plush theater room that adds three bunks for kids, AC throughout, full back up power and did we mention the views from the kitchen?! This is likely to become one of the crown jewels of vacation rentals on St John.  See the full details here

Introductory rate for this summer is 20% off with the code “driftwood” when booking directly on stjohnhomesandvillas.com

The newly added STONE FALLS has a schedule that’s filling up fast despite being launched only a month ago.  The impeccable design and old world details of the interior of this home make it a truly, unique show piece. It’s the waterfall pool, comfy outdoor lounge, lively koi pond and the private 7-hole mini golf course that really sets this villa above the rest. 

A short, easy walk to the common beach parcel for access to paddle boarding, kayaking, relaxing and boating are the amenities that set this villa apart.  Three air conditioned bedrooms with interior access, a chefs kitchen, sonos system and end-of-the-road privacy.  What more could you wish for?  Check Out Stone Falls Here!

While not new, did you know we updated and remodeled several of our properties this off season.  We are so proud of the work we did on Cliffhanger, Tropical Manor, Paraiso Azul and 2B Peter Bay.  They are truly transformed and guests are LOVING IT. 

All of our properties are 10% off for the month of May with the code “MAYSTAY” when booking on our website.

As always, we are ready to help you plan the vacation of a lifetime or a lifetime of vacation.  Contact us today to book your next St John villa rental or talk to us about Real Estate on St John.  See our featured listings for sale here


Do You Know Why Renting a Villa is Better Than Renting a Hotel?

When you're traveling with your family, a group of friends, or even you and a loved one, having a place to stay that gives you privacy and independence is essential.  Choosing the right accommodations can be daunting with hotels and hundreds of vacation rentals to sort through.  We have taken all of the guess work out of booking our vacation rentals on St John to make that decision even easier.

Staying at a villa in St. John allows you to enjoy the best aspects of being on vacation while staying in the comfort of your own private, luxurious home. Whereas staying in a hotel in St. John doesn’t allow you the same amenities and experiences.


One of the biggest benefits of renting a villa is that you get to enjoy the privacy and space of your own villa, pool and patio. Unlike hotels in St. John or any of the Virgin Islands, which have communal pools and close neighbors, villa guests can enjoy time with their family in peace without having to worry about other guests and all of the variables that come with them.

In addition to privacy from strangers, our homes also offer privacy from your own group with most houses offering private bedrooms with en-suite baths. 


If you have family or friends, especially kids with you, the amount of space needed increases even more. Depending on each person and how much room they need could significantly increase your need for a villa rental.

Some of our villas can accommodate up to 12 people in one house! Even a quick glance at mid-rate hotels in the Virgin Islands will show you that 5 or 6 hotel rooms will substantially exceed the nightly rate of some of our most luxurious villas. 

Views and Location

Location can play another key part in choosing a villa over a hotel or resort in St. Thomas or St. John.  Our properties offer some of the most amazing views in the Virgin Islands and many are closer to the true attractions on St John, the white sand beaches of the Virgin Islands National Park.  A hotel may get you into a resort setting, but few if any hotels here have views anything like those from our villas. 

Whenever you need something day or night, a villa management company like our company, Unique Island Assets, will make sure someone is available for your request, and you will always talk to someone directly.

Easy Booking and Premium Service

Did you know you can, check availability and rates and book your stay with us right here on the website?  We have incorporated online booking to make booking as easy as booking any hotel.  Beyond that, when booking with us, you are not dealing with a multi-national corporation, but can call and ask questions directly to the people who provide the guest and home services on site.  This personal service extends to our concierge as well who’s services are included in every stay with us. 

Overall, villas have more variety and uniqueness offering a far richer and more memorable travel experience. The vacation rental business has been going on for over 40 years here, much longer than VRBO or AIRBNB have considered existing.  We take those decades of experience to give you the high end luxury feel of travel, no matter which property you book.   You’re able to customize your trip to your exact wants and needs without compromise. Villas can lead to more fun and unique memories than St. John resorts and hotels can. So, when discussing what the best decision is to book for your next vacation, reach out and let us help you plan the vacation of a lifetime. 


2022 Real Estate Year in Review

The market remains healthy after a busy year in 2022.

With 2021 flexing as the biggest year in real estate on St John, we wondered how 2022 might do.  Turns out, the market remains healthy and 2022 carried on the steady stable trend we have seen for decades on St John.   While 2021 was likely an anomaly year seeing 117 closings at a higher average price, 2022 turned out to be the 2nd highest on record.  Seventy-nine homes sold on St John in 2022 with an average price of $1.55 Million.  If any of you have had a chance to talk with me about the St John real estate market, one thing I have consistently advised on is that the factors here produce a dependably steady and stable market.  We are not subject to huge upswings or down turns like the volatility you see in many markets in the United States.  If you look at the trend curves they are nearly straight lines.

This stability is due to, but not limited to, a couple of unique things on St. John:

1.     The Virgin Islands National Park being the biggest land holder and therefore protecting the natural beauty of the island from over development.

2.     The fact that our market is not under any pressure for people who HAVE to buy or HAVE to sell.

3.     The undeniably strong demand for travel to St John as one of the top tropical destinations in the world year after year.  We were surprised to find that 2022 was somehow able to beat out 2021 in short term rental income, but it did so handily with our owners enjoying the extra income while still coming to visit their lovely homes during prime weeks.


In investing, what you want is steady slow growth.  Of course, it’s lovely to hit the jackpot and cash in on quick gains, but long term is the best way to look at real estate investing and the long look on St John is predictably bright (and sunny).

We discussed homes above, but the land market did not care about 2021’s banner year and just went ahead and beat it.  I expect to see a lot of new gorgeous homes built in the next 24 months.  Check out this amazing lot we have listed with views over the dramatic Reef Bay Valley and to the North over Maho Bay!

We have a few select weeks left for winter and summer 2023 and next winter 2024 are filling up fast.

Check out our diverse inventory of stunning vacation rentals on St John and book your next stay with us easily online with just a few clicks.


Have You Considered a Destination Micro-Wedding on St. John?

Villa Paraiso Azul in St. John

What Is A Destination Micro-Wedding

A destination micro-wedding in St. John, USVI is your essential wedding ceremony and/or celebration taking place at a special location or the villa itself you have rented, but on a much smaller scale then normally seen in your traditional wedding. Micro-weddings are made up of a small number of guests, so it’s less stressful to plan and provides you with a more controlled budget. A destination micro-wedding also provides the means to add even more personalization to your big day.

So, if you want a private St. John destination wedding but not all the hassle that can come a long with it, a micro-destination wedding is probably perfect for you. Many couples describe St. John as an intimate and romantic island and dream of exchanging their vows here. While some come to the adoring island to renew what they have already promised each other. A few of our villas can accompany up to 60 people, and others just allow you to enjoy the intimacy of exchanging vows in the presence of your closest family and friends with gorgeous backdrops and scenery for the most memorable moments.

What a Destination Micro-Wedding Looks Like


Our company, Unique Island Assets, manages 15+ villas located all over St. John. Feel free to reach out to us and let us assist you in planning your destination micro-wedding on our beautiful island. We insist on making it our job to help you execute a stress-free wedding day.

We recommend planning to arrive a couple days before your event so you can. spend a few days relaxing and having fun, but also have the opportunity to organize a pre-ceremony rehearsal dinner or get together with no rush.

On the day of the event, you should always plan to start early, because things almost never go minute for minute when you’re on “island time.” Starting somewhere around 9 a.m. with a planned brunch is the perfect way to begin your big day. We provide plenty of options for places to make reservations, private caterers and chefs, or provisioning services for a DIY approach.

We have multiple creative companies and designers that can create the most gorgeous brunch spread you’ve ever seen. Then all that’s left is you relaxing while the wedding spot for the ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception are all taken care of and set up. All a bride and bridal party need to worry about is getting ready and making incredible memories.

By 4:00 p.m., the wedding party should plan to be ready, and by 6 p.m. is when all your guests should plan to arrive. The magical moment everyone strives for is sunset, and as it can set quicker some days and weather can be unpredictable, a cocktail hour is suggested to help cushion your ever-changing timeline. This allows for extra time planned so that your guests can find your surely unfamiliar location and get settled in.

With the breathtaking Caribbean turquoise waters as a backdrop, cocktail hour is perfect for some daytime pictures before your ceremony as your friends and family are distracted with appetizers and drinks. Once ready the wedding party can move to location or into position at the villa for the ceremony.

After the newly Mr. and Mrs. say their “I do’s,” it’s time to celebrate at your reception!

Destination Micro Wedding Memories to be Made


Although micro destination weddings are small, there are so many opportunities to create unforgettable memories. What’s more, you would have these memorable moments with the most important people in your life.


Let Unique Island Assets plan your big day in the Virgin Islands. We will take the stress of preparation and organization off your hands and ensure that your wedding vision is made a reality.


We have multiple villas that are perfect for different ranges of guest. One of our most popular villas can accommodate up to 60 people, and it's just waiting for your event!


We specialize in managing perfect days, so we've got everything you need to book through our company and would love to go over what packages we offer during a free consultation with one of our Experience Designers. We have many recommendations for the best ways to make your micro-wedding even more special.


Additional tips:

-Make sure you're clear on what kind of event space you need before booking.

-Planning is key! Don't wait until the last minute to get started on decorations or picking out food and music—the more time you give yourself, the better everything will come together.

-Don't forget about the details! It's easy to get caught up in all the big picture stuff when planning an event like this (and there's so much!), but don't forget that smaller touches like table linens or flowers can make all the difference in making sure your guests feel welcome and comfortable on your special day.


As a Property Management Team, we work hands on with each and every one of our clients, checking in daily with any needs that may be had. If you’re looking for a Property Management Team or Villa Rental Company who are on call 24/7, with over 20 years of experience, extensive 5-star reviews, are a single source vendor for every one of your needs, that is also properly licensed – then CONTACT US and let’s talk about your goals.


How to Design a Home or Villa with These Top Interior Design Trends for 2023

island bathroom interior design trends

2023 is fast approaching, and if you're looking to make a few interior design changes this year or next, then we have you covered. Here are the top 3 simple upgrades you can do for your space as the off-season evolves and unfolds.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

-Leonardo da Vinci

Here are 3 of the top interior design trends you can easily implement for 2023:

  1. Minimalist designs with smooth lines and open floor plans have been popular for decades now, but they'll continue gaining traction in the upcoming years. This style allows for more natural light and the calming, Caribbean breezes to enter your home — which helps reduce stress levels — and promote a more communal atmosphere between your family members or guests.

  2. Natural materials like wood floors, stone countertops, and bamboo cabinets are making a comeback in kitchens and bathrooms. These materials don't just look attractive; they also provide eco-friendly options for homeowners, such as recycled materials and sustainably-produced products that help reduce a carbon footprint without sacrificing style.

  3. Bold colors and textures are another thing that you should consider doing and some might call this "trendy," but trust me it is here to stay a while! Customized spaces that reflect the unique tastes of their owners are difficult to balance, but with help from vintage fads and modern twists the spaces come together in a timeless way.

bamboo interior design trends with lines and arches for tropical Caribbean villas in st. john us virgin islands

Implementing these trends can upgrade and enliven your home or villa in no time:

  • Minimalistic designs and open floor plans are simple to achieve when you start by downsizing furniture and content as well as the quantity of items in the space. This is as simple as cleaning clutter from spaces like tables and switching out chunky and bulky furniture for smooth, skinny, or transparent materials. Tips would include luxury monochromatic colors with some gold accents as an ongoing trend with emphasis in bathrooms and kitchen spaces. Another grandiose upgrade from Renaissance architecture returning to interior design are archways. Applied to any aspect including architecture, furniture design, and decorative elements. Arches draw the eye up and give spaces a more open, lavish, open feel.

  • The nature chapter trend will link wellness, living organically but staying up to date, and comfortable. Fabrics like wool and cotton will continue their reign – but throwing in a touch of velvet would be my biggest tip for 2023. Adding a vintage feel with some flair creates a key element for extravagance. You should also consider decorating with plants. Plants are great for bringing dashes of life and nature into any room, especially when they are potted in beautiful pots or vases guided toward your styled room. The more plants the merrier because, hey, they also help purify the air in your home or villa, which is always a plus!

  • Bold colors luxury homes are all about this upcoming season are pinks and purples. If you want to make your home feel like a palace, then these colors will do you the trick making your space feel inviting and fascinating. You can even use sprinkles of unique textures throughout your house in any room. But beware, pops of color in your home or villa can add some pizzazz to an otherwise boring room, but it's important that you don't go overboard where it becomes tacky instead of classy.

interior design trends and alternative colors and textures

The most applied trend would, of course, be daring accent walls and although wallpapers are too difficult to make stick in the tropics, you can always use new textures on a wall as well for an appealing new take on the trend. These walls add enough unique character and personality, while enticing you in with ease, but still offering that pop of excitement your attention shoots to when you first walk into a room. However, in the Caribbean, a cute touch of style with added practicality would be framing pieces of wallpaper and hanging them considering wallpaper is a difficult material to work with in the humidity of the Virgin Islands.

My favorite trend has been catching wind in the fashion industry these past couple years and is finally making a debut again in the interior design world. The iconic revival of 70’s vintage mushroom décor can be executed with a simple gold lamp, or an intricate accent wall. As it gains popularity, many people are jumping on the fashionable fungi train. So, whether your style leans you toward moody monochromatic tones and marvelous marble countertops, or funky fabrics and fungi inspired foyers, small upgrades around your home or villa can indeed make you the most trendy and updated around.

funky fungi interior design trends with wallpaper and a vintage flare with a modern gold lamp

As a Property Management Team, we work hands on with each and every one of our villa owners, checking in daily with any needs our clients or their guests may have. We spend a lot of our time in the off-season helping our owners spruce up their properties for the upcoming season, including interior design and remodeling. If you’re looking for a Property Management Team or Villa Rental Company who are on call 24/7, with over 20 years of experience, extensive 5-star reviews, are a single source vendor for every one of your needs, and is properly licensed – then CONTACT US and let’s talk about your property and rental goals.


How to Analyze an Investment in a Vacation Rental on St John

With the flurries falling in the States, we have seen a flurry of activity in the Real Estate Market on St. John.  Most buyers on the island are shopping for second homes or investment property, and with values through the roof in most places in the States, buyers are seeing the tremendous value in the St. John real estate market. One major point that sets St. John apart is the un-ending demand - at this point nearly year-round - for vacation rentals.  The stunning beauty of the island and National Park protections keep visitors flocking here year after year.  Almost all buyers want to know about the returns on their investments and try to analyze rental numbers provided.  With the sometimes erratic data provided by sellers, we have taken a more practical approach to producing a prospectus-like look at how to analyze a vacation rental investment.  

One of the best investments on the market right now is Bordo Mare and Sopra Mare - two separate, two-bedroom masonry homes on 1.4 acres of ocean-front land.  Not only are these homes solidly constructed, they are impeccably designed and see occupancy 90% or more of the year.  

Here is how we break down the return-on-investment (ROI) on a property like Bordo Mare and Sopra Mare:  

For us, there are four main categories, each with subcategories: Initial Costs, Annual Costs, Income, and Operations Costs: 

  • Initial costs would be the cost of the property, down payment, and any closing costs.

  • Annual costs include mortgage payments (if taking a loan), taxes, and insurance.

  • Income is the gross rent collected. We calculate this using a conservative estimate of occupancy over different seasons with different rates. Typically, we start estimates at 80% of winter weeks (19 of 24 possible weeks), 2 holiday weeks, and just 40% of summer weeks (10 of 25 weeks). These estimates are quite low compared to the last several years of data in our villas, but again, being conservative is the only prudent investment analysis.

  • Operation costs include Marketing, Sales, Commissions, Management, Guest Services, Housekeeping, Landscaping, Pool Care, Maintenance, Repairs, Utilities, Supplies and Additional Expenses. For a healthy budget, this runs at about 55% of gross rent collected.

I built a simple spreadsheet to pop out the NET INCOME after all of the above are factored into the calculation.  While this number is informative, it’s really not reflective of any ROI in real estate. Like almost any sound investment, we must look further into the future to estimate ROI.  We are strong believers in the value of longer-term investing, and while we have all heard some fluffy haired fella at a BBQ talking about a get-rich-quick flip, we prefer to stick to realistic data from market professionals to plan our investments.  

To get to that longer look, we take the Net Income number and calculate out the loan balance (if borrowing), invested equity (initial down payment plus any net income or loss) and choose a conservative estimated non-compounding annual appreciation value, and then we can come up with an ROI after a given time period, say 10 or 20 years.  

(10 Year Estimated Value – Loan Balance – Invested Equity)/Invested Equity = ROI%

With Bordo Mare and Sopra Mare purchased at asking price of $3.985 Million, and a 30% down payment at current market mortgage rates and a meager annual appreciation of 3%, this property projects an ROI of over $1.7 Million or 147% gain after 10 years, or.  In 20 years, this swells to 297% gain or $3.8 Million ROI!  

I always go back and play with numbers like interest rate, income, and the appreciation rate to see how the numbers change.  For example, the average annual appreciation on St. John over the past 20 years was 6.8%!**  While I would still stick to the more conservative 3%, just for fun, If I put 6.8% into the calculation, the gain on this investment is $3.23 Million in 10 years, and $6.8 Million in 20 years!  

**average annual appreciation calculated by taking % change in median cost of sold homes on St John year over year and averaging those numbers from 2002-2021

If we look at the bottom of the market, the numbers still come out favorably.  Right now, the least expensive home on the market on St. John is $850,000.    That home under the same analysis (3% appreciation) still gives you a $202,000 ROI in 10 years!  

Another lower end example I have my eye on which is listed for $1.35 Million shows a gain of $460,000 after 10 years, nearly doubling your initial investment. 

Ultimately, some homes do better than others, and we have singled out Bordo Mare and Sopra Mare as the best investment on the market right now, but there are many other close contenders.

While we don’t take it into our equation, the picture can get even prettier for the ROI when taking into account tax benefits from the expenses and depreciation of the asset.

Its important to note as well that the US Virgin Islands is 100% eligible for 1031 exchanges both for buyers and sellers of Real Estate in the Virgin Islands

We can’t ignore that there is risk involved in all investing, but when diversifying your portfolio into Real Estate, you’ll always have your stunning villa with a multi-million dollar view of the Caribbean Sea where you can sit on your deck, and strategize your next investment.  

Contact us today to talk about your investment goals in the Virgin Islands.  


2021’s Record Real Estate Numbers and the Oceanfront Villa in St John you've been waiting for

2021’s Record Real Estate Numbers and the Unbelievable Opportunity of Our Newest Listing

2021 may very well be looked back on as a very challenging year for so many people, but for the tiny island of St John, 2021 will stand in the record books for economic activity for nearly any business that could keep up and 2022 is already positioning itself up to challenge 2021’s title.

Let’s get straight to the numbers and skip all the fluff.  I’m going ditch the exclamation points because all of these stats want them:

·      117 homes sold on St John in 2021 at an average price of $1.757M. 

·      Total volume of home sales jumped 231% from $62M to $205M. 

·      The median home price jumped 21.5% from 2020 and 56% from 2019 and ranged from $310K to $8M - Unique Island Assets sold the one for $8M! (I’ll make an exception and put the exclamation point there)

·      17 of the sales were homes over $3M… from 2015-2020 only 10 homes sold over $3M

·      52 lots sold with $22.9M in volume (up 150%) with an average price of $440K. 

Our little Company, Unique Island Assets had her share too:

·      $2.63M in vacation rentals, welcoming 2205 guests for 3731 nights in our villas

·      $17M in Real Estate Sales

 2022 is in a word, BUSY.  So many people who have discovered the island over the last two or three years have simply fallen in love.  Villas and rental cars are hard to come by.  Reservations are now required at any restaurant and those that don’t take reservations now have waitlists. 

We welcome the new business and appreciate guests who are coming to experience the island, its culture, and history more than just her stunning beauty. 

2022 brought us an amazing new listing for sale - two of our properties together Bordo Mare and Sopra Mare are being offered exclusively by Unique Island Assets for $3.985M.    This is the investment opportunity you have been waiting for.

Oceanfront, endless views, premium location, high grossing, multi-unit, all masonry pool villas; this property checks all of the boxes!  Bordo Mare and Sopra Mare are two completely separate 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath homes each with their own pool, air conditioning throughout and private driveways.  Both are extremely popular rental properties filled with repeat guests each for 48 plus weeks/year.  Tasteful design incorporates the vast views into the modern homes located on the coveted Maria Bluff.  This purchase includes the entire rental business, its contact lists, marketing platform, and is completely turn-key.  Bordo Mare’s Nano Door walls give the feel of being at sea with the two equal master bedrooms with their dramatic views and position.  The covered patios offer premium whale watching in the winter and yacht spotting throughout the year.  Sopra Mare offers 1 master bedroom with Nano wall views and one guest bedroom, with a 3rd master suite nearly finished on the lower level.  Both properties have solar and are net metered and are independent of one another for all systems.  These premium properties offer the buyer steady income as two separate rental units, or make for the perfect owner-occupied rental business.  The property generates $450K in proven annual rentals over seven years and a 6000 client newsletter convey with the sale.  

Check out the listing in Detail or call us for more information and questions.

Be sure to follow us on Social Media for last minute specials and to keep up with the latest news on the island.   


Real Estate Sales on St John 2021 - Statistics and Trends

This Stunner sold in 2021 for just over $1M.  Reach out to capture your dream deal!

This Stunner sold in 2021 for just over $1M. Reach out to capture your dream deal!

Real Estate on St John is unlike any other real estate in the world.  Not only does the unbelievable natural beauty of the island (thanks in part to the protections of the Virgin Islands National Park) set it apart, but the character, culture, tourism, and amenities make it an extremely desirable and stable investment.  Being a United States territory offers even further comfort to buyers and sellers alike.  Additionally, unlike most other locales, St John is not driven by market forces such as employment, recessions, or political turmoil.  Rather, St John - much like its history will tell - remains rebellious, stubborn, and free.  To sum it up simply, no one has to sell and no one has to buy.  The market is purely driven by the joy of ownership and remains an exclusive club where all are welcome, but few are fortunate enough to get in.  

As I prepared to write a real estate update for the bustling market, which was long overdue, the statistics kept changing.  The number of transactions and total volume of the market is off the charts with ninety homes sold this year to date.  Sixty-two was the previous record number of homes sold in a single year!  We sold a total of nearly 150 million dollars in homes thus far in 2021.  That’s a 140% increase in volume from 2020, and we’re not even close to finished; there are currently twenty-five homes under contract.

One stunning statistic is that homes are still selling under list price at an average of just under 10% off over the last nine months.  We also have not seen the price of homes increase much - we haven’t seen any listings raise their price, and new listings on the market remain relatively low.  In my opinion, it indicates that price increases are possibly on the horizon as inventory decreases.  Market trends in the US Virgin Islands tend to lag seven to twelve months behind market trends in the states.  We have all seen what’s going on there, with some homes going under contract before the property is even listed for sale on the market.

The vacation rental market has been bell-ringing for the last fifteen months.  Low to no vacancy, high rates, and a nearly sold-out summer busted annual sales records for vacation rentals across the island, both at the low and high end.  Even if this is an anomaly year, St John was exposed to tens of thousands of new visitors this year who otherwise may have never discovered it.  Each of them will share their experience with several friends.  This will create a lasting demand for rentals, which makes it a profitable and solid investment for all of the new, existing, and future owners.  

Come see us soon, but book ahead!  Winter weeks are nearly sold out and summer 2022 is quickly filling up.


Stunning weather and empty beaches are what St John is famous for

Stunning weather and empty beaches are what St John is famous for


Record  Sales, Dwindling  Inventory, Crashing Absorption Rates and the Last of the Deals on St John point to a big price jump in our future. 

Is the sun setting on Real Estate deals  on St John?  We think the market is poised for a big jump  in value!

Is the sun setting on Real Estate deals on St John? We think the market is poised for a big jump in value!

Record  Sales, Dwindling  Inventory, Crashing Absorption Rates and the Last of the Deals on St John point to a big price jump in our future. 

73 homes sold on St John in the last 12 months!  When I saw that this morning, despite suspecting a big jump in the stats,  I was still surprised.  This eclipsed the record total number of homes sold in any given year of  from the boom years of 2002-2003.   The average price of a home on St John at that time jumped from $732,000 to $1,790,000 in just 3  years after holding steady  for a while.  Similarly, we have held steady on pricing for a while with average sales price hovering in the $1.1M range for a decade.  This may indicate that we are poised for a massive price jump again. A lot of the signs point to yes and residents and hungry investors alike are searching for deals ahead of the trend.  

Inventory and Absorption Rate

In June of 2020 there were 172 homes listed for  Sale on St John.  Today there are 114, a 35% decrease.  Average list price has already soared to over $2M.  There are, however, 37 of those still listed under $1M  and we are still seeing properties sell under asking price, but we don’t expect this to last as the statistics catch up to the marketplace.  

The absorption rate in the real estate market is used to evaluate the rate at which available homes are sold in a specific market during a given time period.  In June of 2020, that rate was at 51.6  Months.  Today, we  are at 23.8 months, over 50% below in just a few months and the lowest I can remember.  

After watching  this market for 20 years, I have not seen such a perfect buying situation and savvy buyers are getting in ahead of the big jump in value that we  expect in the coming months.

Scan the MLS now to look for the last deals before the big jump.

Tourism and Rental Demand

Tourism numbers  are absolutely soaring with most vacation rentals on St John shattering gross rental revenue records for the year after only the 1st quarter.   This phenomenon may be driven by various factors associated with Covid and other destination closures, but it is a great omen for the economic forecast for St John.  Even if the numbers don’t continue at the feeding frenzy pace when other destinations open up, St John is now exposed to a huge number of new tourists many of whom have fallen in love with the island as you probably did the first time.  The island is performing well and remains a stunning destination even for the most discerning traveler.   Planning a trip to St John for 2022?  BOOK NOW to secure the best dates and homes. 


2020 St John Real Estate Market Report - How the Pandemic affected Home Sales on St John

January 2, 2021


2020 was nothing if not unpredictable.  To our surprise, the Corona Virus pandemic did not suppress the Real Estate Market on St John and in  fact  gave it a boost.  You  have undoubtedly heard about the national trends of people flocking to their favorite vacation destinations buying real estate and taking up residence  during these times.  Nearly all real estate markets outside of cities saw  a bump.  Likewise, our upward  trend  on St John continues, telling us that this is the next great chance to get into the market.  As the inventory dwindles down and demand creeps up, St John’s real estate market seems poised for some of the big growth it  saw in the  early part of the millennium.  Here are a few quick comparisons and charts of the residential  sales from 2020.

Contact us today to schedule Virtual live showings

of the properties you are interested in. 



-       The median price of sold homes  jumped  up over  35% from 2019  to an  even  $1Million. This means half of all homes sold on island in 2020 are over $1Million.  The  last  time our median price  jumped over  30% in a year was  2003 and 2005.  Just before the biggest  years on record. 

-       The  average price of homes sold has been climbing  steadily  since the lows of 2017.  2020’s average home sale was $1.216M.  The  highest since  2009.

-       The total volume  of home sales has carried an upward trend since 2008 with  2020  coming  in  at the 3rd highest  total sales volume record

-       51 homes sold in 2020, and there are currently 21 homes under contract with  an  average list price of over $1.6M

-       Our inventory continues  to decrease as does  average days on the market  for listings.  There are 134 homes for sale as of  1/1/2021.  One year  ago today  there were 162 homes for sale on St John. 

Contact us today to schedule Virtual live showings

of the properties you are interested in. 


Looking to come down and catch a break from  winter?  We have a few weeks left at  our stunning properties.  Take 10% select villas with the discount code SEATURTLE when booking  direct  on www.stjohnhomesandvillas.com 


The Effects of Covid 19 on the St John Real Estate Market

The View  from Dove Cottage’s Pool is worth more than the price of the listing  - Currently at $1,750,000

The View from Dove Cottage’s Pool is worth more than the price of the listing - Currently at $1,750,000

September 22, 2020 (This article, written by Jared Warren, originally appeared on www.newsofstjohn.com)

The St John real estate market continues to show its resilience as we pass into the 4th quarter of yet another economically disturbed year globally with some surprising bright points.  As has remained consistent for decades, the demand and desire for St John continues to grow.

Passionate social media groups of an ever-growing dedicated fan-base virally (sorry for the sensitive word) spread the glorious secret of St John.  Huge press outlets like the NY Times continue to write articles (mostly good) about this place, driving countless new fans towards our shores.

In addition, the collapsing stability of the “real world” on the Continent sends buyers flocking to remote locations to solidify their safe option to retreat to paradise.   This  phenomenon is being seen in vacation and rural markets throughout the country.  St John is no exception.

The flurry of showings since Covid have put more than 23 homes under contract since March.   Some of these deals failed and came back on the market, but 12 of those have closed and 11 are still under contract.  The average price of these 23 homes?  Nearly $1.75M!!

So what is selling?  Here is a Link to all of the listings that closed in 2020 on St John - SOLD IN 2020

One notable sale which tipped the scales a bit was that of the prestigious Kismet which closed for $5.4M in late August.  That stunning estate was probably under value and just goes to show that if you have your eye on something, make an offer!

Despite the activity, I would still consider it a buyer’s market with 147 homes currently for sale on St John.  Average list price is just over $2 Million, but the median list price is just $1.395 which means half of those for sale are under $1.3M! Check out our favorite listings

Here is a quick run down of the stats for the rest of the market:

Land for sale -  There are 241 lots for sale right now with a median list price of $285,000.

Condos for sale -  There are 19 condos currently on the market.  Median list price is $899,000

Commercial/Businesses for Sale – 4 commercial listings  actively on the market.

Search the MLS here! or CONTACT US for more info on the St John Real Estate Market



Traveling To St John in times of Covid 19


We want to share some details that will hopefully answer any questions you may have in light of COVID-19 and your St. John vacation plans, and ease your mind regarding our protocol for keeping our guests and residents safe.

We will continuously update our website with any new information released by our local government, the airlines, and any federally mandated changes that may impact your trip. With all of the misleading and incorrect information being shared on social media, we want to caution our guests to consult only reliable sources, and encourage you to get your information directly from our website, from our Governor’s online press conferences, or reach out to us personally any time with questions or concerns.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS USVI Travel Portal website: www.usvitravelportal.com

Non-vaccinated guests: Within FIVE DAYS of the commencement of travel to the US Virgin Islands, every non-vaccinated traveler five years of age and older must be tested and upload a NEGATIVE test result to the USVI Travel Portal website, and receive a green QR code from the USVI Government for approval for entry into the territory. You will not be allowed to enter the USVI without proof of a negative test result, and you may not be allowed to board your plane without proof of the green QR code.

Vaccinated guests: Travelers who have been fully vaccinated (first and second injections) do NOT need to be tested prior to arriving in the US Virgin Islands. Vaccinated travelers must upload proof of vaccination to the travel portal website and receive a green QR code from the USVI Government for approval for entry into the territory.

STEP 1: Types of acceptable documentation for guests requiring testing:

• COVID-19 molecular (e.g., RT-PCR, viral or nucleic acid amplification) test from a nasal or throat or saliva swab sample taken and NEGATIVE result; OR

• COVID-19 antigen (RAPID) test from a nasal or throat swab sample taken and NEGATIVE result.


• Proof of vaccination (first and second injections)

STEP 2: Travelers must upload their test results or their vaccination status to the USVI Travel Portal website. Within 24 to 48 hours of submission, you should receive an email from the USVI Government with a green QR code. You must produce this document to airline officials at your departing destination and upon arrival on St. Thomas. Digital (cell phone) or printed documents are acceptable.

TESTING TIME FRAME: You must be tested no earlier than 5 days prior to the commencement of travel to the USVI. For example, if you arrive on St. Thomas on a Saturday, you can begin testing on Monday of that week. We highly recommend getting tested on the first possible day or shortly thereafter, as it sometimes takes up to 48 hours to receive your travel confirmation email. Be sure to check your junk/spam folder regularly.

MASKS Masks are no longer required throughout the territory with the exception of the airport, ferry dock and while a passenger on the ferry, and all medical facilities.

REVISED CANCELLATION POLICY Our guests will receive a 100% credit if your trip is cancelled due to a governmental shutdown of the US Virgin Islands that encompasses your dates. Contact us if you have questions or concerns about the impacts of the pandemic on your vacation.

WHAT TO PACK You will need to pack a mask to wear upon your arrival at the Cyril King Airport on St. Thomas, at our ferry docks and while a passenger on the ferry, and in our medical facilities if you should need medical assistance.

GREETINGS For our first-time guests, a member of our Greeter Staff will meet you at the dock or rental car agency and accompany you to your villa. For our repeat guests, you have the option to go to the villa on your own. If you prefer to be met by one of our greeters, we are happy to accommodate.

VILLAS Our staff is taking all necessary measures as set forth by the CDC to ensure the safety of our guests. Closely following and adhering to the CDC guidelines, our Housekeeping Manager has incorporated these processes into our already stellar cleaning routine, and continuously updates the staff regarding most effective sterilization and deep cleaning methods and products. In addition to our usual pristine deep cleaning routine after each check-out, we also sanitize all light and fan switches, doorknobs, drawer handles, appliances, television and stereo remote controls, and beach gear. All linens are washed in hot water with bleach. Our staff wears masks at all times while inside the villa.

We are also taking additional steps by removing any non-essential items from the villa, such as kitchen spices and condiments left by previous guests and providing alcohol sprays and other cleaning products for guests to assist in their own cleaning.

An electronic version of our informational House Instructions Binder is available via email upon request for those who prefer not to use the hard copy in the villa.


TAXIS Our public taxis are currently running at full capacity on St. Thomas and St. John. If you would like a referral for a private taxi, please let us know.

FERRIES The public passenger ferries are running on their regular schedule. Passengers are currently required to wear face masks and practice social distancing from other passengers.

As an alternative to the public passenger ferry, please contact us for information regarding private water taxi transportation between Red Hook or Crowne Bay on St. Thomas to the St. John National Park dock in Cruz Bay.

The car barges are currently running on their regular schedule. As always, we highly recommend renting your car on St. John to avoid any potential (and sometimes frequent) delays with the barge.

RENTAL CARS Our preferred companies have assured us that they are taking all required measures to deep clean and disinfect their vehicles after each rental. For rental car company recommendations, please contact our office.

MARKETS While all of our markets are currently open, we highly encourage our guests to take advantage of villa provisioning services.
We also work closely with some of the highest rated private chefs on island for in-villa chef prepared meals, and meal drop-off service. Please contact us if you would like more information.

RESTAURANTS All of our restaurants are currently open. We highly encourage that you make reservations for the fine dining options, as they often book up several weeks in advance.

BEACHES All of our beaches are open without restriction.

SHOPS All of our shops are currently open.

CHARTERS While the US Virgin Islands waters are open for travel, the British Virgin Islands remains closed for private charters, including Jost Van Dyke, Tortola, and Virgin Gorda. However, with all the local islands and various bays surrounding St. John, there is still plenty to see and do on a day-charter, and we highly recommend that you book at least one while you are here. If you would like more information about our various charters, please contact us.

We will continue to keep you updated as new information is released. If you have any questions, or if you would like to book any of the services described above, please feel free to contact Jared or Keri!

Jared Warren, Broker/Owner JARED@STJOHNHOMESANDVILLAS.COM (340) 626-8229

Keri LaMar, Experience Designer KERI@STJOHNHOMESANDVILLAS.COM (657) 566-1336


We want to share some details that will hopefully answer any questions you may have in light of COVID-19 and your St. John vacation plans, and ease your mind regarding our protocol for keeping our guests and residents safe.

We will continuously update our website with any new information released by our local government, the airlines, and any federally mandated changes that may impact your trip. With all of the misleading and incorrect information being shared on social media, we want to caution our guests to consult only reliable sources, and encourage you to get your information directly from our website, from our Governor’s online press conferences, or reach out to us personally any time with questions or concerns.  


The question most frequently asked by our guests:  WHEN CAN WE RETURN TO ST. JOHN?  As of September 8, 2020, the governor has re-opened the islands to leisure travel arrivals starting September 19, 2020.  This means any arrival after September 19, 2020 is good to go. We do request that our guests familiarize themselves with social distancing and safety requirements and adhere to the rules to avoid any issues.


The announcement that our territory is in a State of Emergency caused some confusion among residents and guests.   The state of emergency only applies to the federal funding our island receives from the government. It does not impact tourism, or the date when tourists may return.  


We are offering our guests a 100% credit or 90% refund if your trip is cancelled due to a government shutdown of the Virgin Islands that encompasses your dates. Contact us if you have questions or concerns about the impacts of the pandemic on your vacation.


While our markets have been fully stocked with most cleaning and sanitizing supplies, we suggest you pack a container of hand sanitizer and Lysol-type wipes.  We also request that you bring a mask or some other type of face covering (other than a ski-type mask, which are banned on island).  Currently, most airlines are requiring passengers to wear a mask in the airport and on the plane for the duration of the flight.  


For our first-time guests, a member of our Greeter Staff will meet you at the dock or rental car agency and accompany you to your villa.  For our repeat guests, you will be given the option to go straight to the villa on your own.  Of course, if you prefer to be met by one of our greeters, we are happy to accommodate.


Our staff is taking all necessary measures as set forth by the CDC to ensure the safety of our guests.  Closely following and adhering to the CDC guidelines, our Housekeeping Manager has incorporated these processes into our already stellar cleaning routine, and continuously updates the staff regarding most effective sterilization and deep cleaning methods and products.  In addition to our usual pristine deep cleaning routine after each check-out, we will be sanitizing all light and fan switches, doorknobs, drawer handles, appliances, television and stereo remote controls, and beach gear.  All linens are washed in hot water with bleach.  Our staff will wear masks at all times while inside the villa.

We are also taking additional steps by removing any non-essential items from the villa, such as kitchen spices and condiments left by previous guests and providing alcohol sprays and other cleaning products for guests to assist in their own cleaning 

An electronic version of our informational House Instructions Binder is available via email upon request for those who prefer not to use the hard copy in the villa.  


TAXIS Our taxis are currently running on St. Thomas and St. John.  Because of the social distancing mandate, taxis are only able to transport half the usual number of passengers at a time.  Therefore, you might experience a delay in getting a taxi from the airport to the ferry dock.  As such, we highly recommend reserving a private driver.  In many cases, the price is the same or less than a public taxi. Please contact us if you would like more information or would like to reserve this service.  

The passenger ferry is running on a modified schedule.  Passengers are currently required to wear face masks and practice social distancing from other passengers.  

As an alternative to the public passenger ferry, we can arrange private water taxi transportation from Red Hook or Crowne Bay on St. Thomas to the St. John National Park dock in Cruz Bay. Please contact us if you would like more information or would like to reserve this service.  

The car barge is currently running on a regular schedule.  As always, we highly recommend renting your car on St. John to avoid any potential (and sometimes frequent) delays with the barge.  

Our preferred companies have assured us that they are taking all required measures to deep clean and disinfect their vehicles after each rental.  For rental car company recommendations, please contact our office.  

While all of our markets are currently open, we highly encourage our guests to take advantage of our provisioning service.  For a nominal fee, our personal shoppers will follow all safety protocols for purchasing and delivering your groceries to your villa before your arrival.  

We also work closely with some of the highest rated private chefs on island.  They are currently offering a meal drop-off service to our guests.  Please contact us if you would like more information or would like to reserve chef and/or provisioning service.  

Effective September 8, 2020, all restaurants are allowed to reopen for dining in, with the following conditions:

  • Alcohol must be served at tables only, and not at bar counters; 

  • Restaurants are prohibited from seating more than six persons per table;

  • Tables must be at least six feet apart;

  • Patrons must wear masks upon entering the restaurant and while walking around, but may remove them at all times while seated; and

  • Employees must wear facial coverings at all times.

All bars that do not serve food will continue to remain closed.

BEACHES All of our beaches are open all hours without restrictions on weekdays, and from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.  Please follow the rules for social distancing, keeping at least six feet between you and the next person if not in your immediate family.  Masks are not required at the beaches.  

Only ten people are allowed inside our shops at any given time, including employees.  Masks are required.  

Social distancing rules apply while on the boat.  Masks are may be required.  

While the US Virgin Islands waters are open for travel, the British Virgin Islands will remain closed for any non-residents until further notice.  Unfortunately, no charters will be allowed to visit any of the British Virgin Islands, including Jost Van Dyke, Tortola, and Virgin Gorda.  However, with all the local islands and various bays surrounding St. John, there is still plenty to see and do on a day-charter, and we highly recommend that you book at least one while you are here.  If you would like more information about our various charters, please contact us.   

No greater than 50 persons may gather in any given place, and social distancing of six feet is required.  Churches and other places of worship may reopen on September 8, 2020, subject to the maximum person mandate, and attendees can partake in communion.

Casinos and gaming facilities are allowed to reopen on September 19, 2020.

We will continue to keep you updated as new information is released.  If you have any questions not answered here, or if you would like to book any of the services described above, please feel free to contact Keri or Jared at any time!

Jared Warren, Owner
(340) 626-8229

Keri LaMar, Experience Designer
(949) 525-3553
